Quote #7 | If you’re just playing the averages, then, on average, it won’t work.
Many of us eventually adopt the idea that life is a game. Probably because it is a comfort to explain what we fail to comprehend, or perhaps it’s true. The type of game life emulates, I would say depends on your character traits. Luckily, this blog isn’t a personality finder, so let’s avoid traveling down that road.
Instead, follow me through the rabbit hole of conceptualizing life as a game. Through this search, we may discover a way to beat the odds. Usually, it’s vital to start with the objective to understand any game, but this isn’t an ordinary one.
“What’s the point of this game?!?” you and many other frustrated people may be asking. Replace game with life, and we’ll end up tumbling through centuries of philosophy. So let’s not.
Alternatively, I propose you follow me back to the original concept of life as a game, and we begin with the type. Keeping it simple, our choices are single or multi-player. We can only control, think, and operate in one body, so maybe life is a single-player game.
The human body has been described as having three-connected parts mind, body, and spirit. Each has to be nurtured in different ways. Fulfilling those needs for each is the parameter of life. Or the rules of the game. Stay healthy, and you will be lucky enough to be rewarded with the gift of time.
Time is a unique advantage in this game because it’s known to heal all. Additionally, life’s treasures like knowledge, wealth, friendships, skills, faith, passion, love, and many more valuables are acquired over time.
Now we know the type and rules, it leaves us with the objective. Being conscious that everything people seek (life’s treasures) is achieved over time. Perhaps this game is about longevity.
To my nephew
Protect your health (mental, physical, and spiritual), and you can achieve anything with time.